横田大輔は、2010年に日本の若手写真家の登竜門である「1_WALL」写真部門でグランプリを受賞。その後も、個展など精力的な活動を行い、 本年、世界の写真シーンに影響力の強いオランダ『Foam』誌の若手写真家特集号において選抜されるなど国内外で最も注目されている写真家です。自分の住む東京の風景や、同世代の若者の肉体をモチーフにしながらも、その映像をデジタル/アナログ、カラー/モノクロなど複雑に変換し「もうひとつの別の世界」を出現させます。それは一見すると抽象化のプロセスに見えて、実は「新たなリアル」の表現なのです。本写真集は、これまでZINEという形で話題を呼んでいた横田大輔の、初の本格的写真集となります。世界の写真ファンの待望の一冊となることでしょう。
Since winning a grand prix of “1_Wall” award in Japan in 2010, Daisuke Yokota has presented his award-winning work not only in domestic group exhibitions but also overseas and also in his self-publications. By using very ordinary landscapes and the nudes of young people as his main motif, Yokota creates completely another world on the paper through the multiple conversion of digital into analogue, and color into black and white. It is not just a process of making objects into abstract images, but creating a new reality.
Yokota's works are widely known now with his self-publishing zines. And now comes his highly anticipated first photo book, which features his latest works in 104 pages.
104 pages, 2c, 21.5 x 29.7cm, Hard cover
Edited by Shigeo Goto
Designed by Goshi Uhira
First edition, September 2013
1,000 copies
Printed in Japan
ISBN 978-4-902080-44-5