名和晃平の作品集『moment photography』は、世界的に活躍する彫刻家/アーティストである名和の「はじめての写真集」になります。
この名和晃平の新作『moment photography』は、高速で移動する列車の窓から定点観測的に、風景を反復して撮影した連作です。そこに生みだされたイメージは、抽象画や名和の平面作品に一見似ているものの、実は、人間の造形意識を超え、アルゴリズム(AI)がいかに本来の機能を超えてイメージを生成してしまうかという結果の連続体なのです。
この『moment photography』001と002は、
名和晃平ドリッピングによるオリジナルボックス『moment photography SP BOX SET』に収容されています。
また、2021年10月30日からは、天王洲SCAI PARKにおいて、この新作写真シリーズを展示「MOMENT」が開催されます。
展示期間:2021年10月30日 (土) - 11月13日(土)
時間:12:00 - 18:00
〒140-0002 東京都品川区東品川1-33-10 TERRADA Art Complex 5F
Nawa Kohei's "moment photography" is the first photography book of Nawa, an internationally renowned artist.
The field of contemporary art photography has entered new stage that is quite different from the traditional context of photographic history. The most significant factor is that photography is located at the forefront of the transformation of the entire society today,
Photography has shifted from shooting truth with silver halide systems to making new images of reality with computer algorithms.
Kohei Nawa’s new work “moment photography” is a series of repeated photographs of landscapes taken from the window of a fast-moving train. At first glance, the image created in the series resemble abstract paintings or Nawa’s two-dimensional works, but in fact, they are a series of results of how an algorithm cam generate images beyond human formative consciousness and beyond original function.
It can be said that the work asks the question, “What is the new stage of photography for humans?”
This “moment photography" consists of two books, 001 and 002, but only 001 will be available for regular purchase, while 002 will be included in the limited edition “assemble: KOHEI NAWA moment photography”.
From October 30, “MOMENT” will be held at SCAI PARK to exhibit this new series of photographs.
Period: October 30 (Sat) - November 13 (Sat), 2021
Hours: 12:00 - 18:00
Closed: Sundays, Mondays, National Holidays(except November 7)
TERRADA Art Complex 5F, 1-33-10 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002, Japan
発行元:アートビートパブリッシャーズ supported by FUJIXEROX
価 格:3,500円+税