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Limited Edition of 30
上田義彦(Yoshihiko Ueda)『SHIZUMARU』
(写真 ・上田義彦、花・川瀬敏郎、文・後藤繁雄)
2020年から世界を覆い尽くしたCOVID 19というウィルスは、全世界を未曾有の厄禍に陥らせ、2022年の今も世界は「鎮まって」はいない。
(本文掲載 後藤繁雄『「鎮まる」、再び』より抜粋)
発行元:アートビートパブリッシャーズ supported by FUJIXEROX
価 格:8,000円+税
Shizumaru (to return to tranquility) is a collaborative project between the photographer Yoshihiko Ueda and the florist Toshiro Kawase conceived and produced immediately after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the accompanying Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant meltdown.
Shizumaru is a ceremony for repose, a prayer for peace and tranquility on earth and in this turbulent world.
What can art and photography do in the face of an unprecedented disaster?
The COVID-19 pandemic has been ravaging the world since 2020, plunging the entire world into an unprecedented disaster. Even now, in 2022, the world has still not returned to tranquility.
Instead, the war between Russia and Ukraine has led to a massacre where missiles, unmanned guided weapons, and even chemical weapons have been deployed. The whole world is now facing a crisis that could lead to World War III and even the outbreak of a nuclear war.
At this juncture, we wanted to once again present the Shizumaru photographs taken by Yoshihiko Ueda in 2011 as a question to the world.
Indeed, it may seem we are helpless in the face of a dictator who reigns over these troubled times or weapons of mass destruction.
In the past few years, more and more situations have arisen in which the human race has become so foolish. Can humanity abandon its excessive anthropocentric desires and ego to give its history a new start, or will it be destroyed by nuclear war? Does self-destruction await us? Or rebirth?
We hereby submit the Shizumaru again so that humanity can redeem itself.
(Excerpted from Shigeo Goto's "'Shizumaru', Again", published in the main text)
Publisher: artbeat publishers supported by FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.
Release date: July 1, 2022
*The artist's signature and numbering are on the label sticker on the outer bag.
これまでG/P+abpは、富士フイルムビジネスイノベーションのデジタル印刷機「Revoria Press PC1120」「Iridesse Production Press」を利用しNEOTOKYOZINEシリーズを制作してきました。
今回の限定本のシリーズでは、オフセット印刷を凌駕する高画質な印刷を可能にした最新プリンター「Jet Press 750S」を使用。さらに高精細で緻密な表現をご覧いただけます。
7月1日よりFUJIFILM PHOTO SALON Space3で開催されるアートブック展示企画「ARTBOOK INNOVATION」、また10月のTOKYO ART BOOK FAIRでも現物をご覧いただけます。
*「ARTBOOK INNOVATION」展では、展示のみで販売はございません。