G/P+abpは今年のTokyo Art Book Fair出店を記念し、junaidaの数量限定作品集『LITTLE LIGHT』を特別に10冊のみオンライン限定で販売いたします。本作は100冊のリミテッドエディションとして制作され、そのうち50冊がオンラインショップ用として販売されましたが、発売直後に即完売し、幻の一冊となりました。今回は、希少な残りの在庫より10冊を販売いたします。この特別な機会をお見逃しなく。
・販売開始時刻:2024年11月16日 11:00AM
To commemorate this year's Tokyo Art Book Fair, only 10 copies of junaida's limited edition book “LITTLE LIGHT” will be available online. This work was released in a limited edition of 100 copies, and 50 copies were immediately sold out at the online store upon its release, making it a miraculous book. This time, 10 copies from the rare stock will be available for sale. Don't miss this special opportunity.
Sales start at 11:00AM, November 16, 2024 (Japan time)
Limited Edition of 100
junaida "LITTLE LIGHT"
近年は絵本の創作を中心に、その活動の幅を広げている。近著に『ここはおうち』文・谷川俊太郎(Blue Sheep)、『ひみつストレンジャー』詞・草野マサムネ(角川春樹事務所)、『世界』(福音館書店)がある。
発行元:アートビートパブリッシャーズ supported by 富士フイルムビジネスイノベーション
価 格:20,000 円+税
The book contains a collection of the delicate drawings in junaida's new book of poetry and art, "Tomoshibi". It is a special big art book limited to 100 copies, available exclusively for collectors.
Painter, born in 1978. He has received high acclaim both in Japan and abroad, including selection for the Bologna International Picture Book Original Drawing Exhibition 2015 for "HOME" (sun lead), award in the Bookbinding and Book Design Competition, Children's Book and Picture Book Category, for “Michi” and “Kaibutsuen” (Fukuinkan Shoten), and the IBBY "Peter Pan Award" for "Kaibutsuen.”
In recent years, he has been expanding the scope of his activities, focusing on the creation of picture books. His recent books include "Here is the House," written by Shuntaro Tanikawa (Blue Sheep), "Himitsu Stranger," written by Masamune Kusano (Kadokawa Haruki Corporation), and "Sekai" (Fukuinkan Shoten).
Publisher: artbeat publishers supported by FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.
Release date: June 2024