多和田有希 YUKI TAWADA『Her smoke rose up forever』
アートブック『Her smoke rose up forever』は、現代美術作家 多和田有希のアート実践を集大成した一冊です。本書には、シリーズ「Family Tree」「Shadow Dance」「I am in You」「Lachrymatory」、陶芸作家・福本双紅との共同制作「Blue Ghosts」を含む、多岐にわたる作品が収録されています。
多和田は今年のアルル国際写真祭にて開催された展覧会「I’M SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE JAPANESE WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS FROM THE 1950S TO NOW」に出展し、大きな話題を呼びました。この展覧会を通じて、彼女の作品は国内外でさらに注目を集めています。
『Her smoke rose up forever』は、多和田の独創的な表現と深いテーマ性に迫る一冊であり、彼女の多層的なアートの世界観を体感できる貴重な作品集です。写真というメディアの枠を超えた表現の可能性を、ぜひご堪能ください。
発行元:アートビートパブリッシャーズ supported by FUJIXEROX
価 格:3,500円+税
The art book “Her smoke rose up forever” is a compilation of contemporary artist Yuki Tawada's art practice. The book includes a wide range of works, including the series “Family Tree,” “Shadow Dance,” “I am in You,” “Lachrymatory,” and “Blue Ghosts,” a collaboration with ceramic artist Fuku Fukumoto.
Tawada's work is based on research into art therapy and folk beliefs, and aims to restore the magical power and aura to the photographic medium through physical manipulations such as scraping and burning the photographic surface. Her works exist as boundary-crossing expressions that are neither photography, painting, nor sculpture, and she pursues the possibilities of photography as a material medium.
Tawada's participation in the exhibition “I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE JAPANESE WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS FROM THE 1950s TO NOW” held at the Rencontres de la photographie d'Arles this year attracted a great deal of attention. Through this exhibition, her work has attracted even more attention in Japan and abroad.
In collaboration with Fuku Fukumoto, she has explored innovative methods of fusing photography and ceramics, such as using photographic ash as a glaze, to create a new visual language.
Her smoke rose up forever” is a book that explores Tawada's creative expression and deep thematic concerns, and is a rare collection of her work that allows the viewer to experience her multi-layered world of art. We invite you to discover the possibilities of expression that transcend the boundaries of the photographic medium.
Publisher: Art Beat Publishers supported by FUJIXEROX
Publication date: November 2024
Size: 318 x 236 mm
Price: 3,500 yen + tax
Pages: 96 pages